Capstone Marketing Blog

Summer Reading #2

Arrogant, self-centered, stubborn, and insecure – words that most people associate with ego. But, authors David Marcum and Steven Smith argue that the upside of ego is as powerful as the downside and answer questions that have been a mystery to most people. They provide compelling evidence and matter-of-fact answers on striking the balance between ego and humility to reach the next level of leadership. Case studies are used to illustrate how ego subtly interferes with success but also how ego sparks the drive to achieve, the nerve to try something new, and the tenacity to conquer adversity.

Egonomics: what makes ego our greatest asset (or most expensive liability) makes a great “book club” selection for your firm. With the strong focus on recruiting and retention in the accounting profession today it’s important that you learn not only about your behavior but the behavior of your colleagues. “Often the hardest side of business to master is the human side, and nothing is more human than ego. How we manage ego on the human side affects everything we do on the business side, one way or the other.”

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