It’s springtime at last! Time to enjoy the beautiful weather and to start working in the garden. My husband and I had five yards of mulch delivered to our house, part of a fundraiser for the Boy Scouts. Proceeds will help defray the cost of summer camp. Part of the deal was help with spreading the mulch, which can be a lot of work! Now, given the choice of spreading the mulch or playing in the truck with the mulch what choice do you think the Scouts made? You’re correct. It was much easier playing with the mulch than actually doing the work.
What lesson can we learn from these mulch-spreading averse Scouts? While all of them are interested in attending summer camp they really aren’t interested in the work required to raise the funds. To be successful you must be willing to do the work required to achieve the success. This means making the extra effort, working harder, and enhancing our skills. This process may make us uncomfortable. However, to achieve a different or higher level result we must be willing to change how we currently do things.
Happy Gardening!