In today’s Capstone Sales Series webinar, Selling to the C Suite, Steve Bistritz reviewed four approaches to gain access to executives:
Implement an overt approach via the telephone or using a phone call, preceded by an email or letter.
Use a credible sponsor within the customer’s organization to help secure access.
Use a referral (someone outside the customer’s organization), such as a consultant, business associate or friend.
Treat the gatekeeper (administrative assistant, secretary or the like) as a resource and use them to help secure access.
Which of these approaches is the most effective? Bistritz’s research with corporate executives reveals that when considering a major purchase executives are Always (16%) and Usually (68%) likely to schedule a meeting with a salesperson if the request came from a recommendation from someone inside their company and Always (8%) and Usually (36%) likely to schedule that meeting if the request came from a referral outside the company.
This information drives home the importance of face-to-face marketing activities like networking, mixers with referral sources, participation in business and trade organizations, and referral source breakfasts/lunches. It also supports identifying the right prospects for your firm, conducting research about the company and its leaders, and determining who you know that can make the introduction. In this competitive time when every CPA firm is looking for new business this is information to live by.
Jean – your article is right on target! I can't emphasize enough how important it is to treat the gatekeeper as a resource. I take that one step further and say that salespeople should treat the gatekeeper as if s/he was the executive herself or himself. You will be surprised at the dividends that pays.
Steve Bistritz
Co-Author of Selling to the C-Suite